ESL Jeopardy: Inspired by the popular TV game show of the same name, this category-based game is a fun way to incorporate reading comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary.Click the link to learn more about these online ESL games and many more: One place to find ESL games for teaching adults online is BridgeUniverse, in articles such as this one: Low-Prep ESL Games for Teaching Online. Just choose a few that you enjoy and that work well with your students. If you’ve never incorporated online games or activities into your adult English classes, start small. Where can I find online games and activities for my adult students? Therefore, always remind students of how the games or material are beneficial to their language growth. Remember that while you want your classes to be engaging, your students or their employers (or other stakeholders in their success) are likely paying a significant amount of money for their lessons.
For example, if you’re playing the game ESL Jeopardy, you could use categories that your students enjoy (movies, travel) mixed with important professional topics (job interviews, negotiating).
One of the keys here is to tailor the game material to your students’ interests or professional desires. What kinds of games work best when teaching adult students English online? The more that you’re able to build rapport when teaching English while also allowing students to learn in a fun way, the more students will want to re-book with you over and over again. As online teachers, most of us are responsible for maintaining our own client base, even if we work for a company. Games build trust and rapport with students.Īs a teacher, especially a new teacher, building trust and rapport is the foundation of your teaching career. When you can take the recent concepts that you’ve taught and incorporate them into a game, you can test for understanding without making your students feel pressured or put on the spot.
Having taught online for almost six years, I’ve found that most adults enjoy taking quizzes and tests as much as children do, meaning not at all! However, testing is an important way to gauge understanding and see how your students are progressing. Games allow you to test for student understanding (in a low stakes way).
Your students are choosing to spend their precious free time in your class so make it something that they will look forward to. Knowing this about your students, and taking some time to make the lesson interesting can really go a long way toward helping your students enjoy the English learning process. Instead, it’s probable that they need to improve their English because they work in a multinational company, or are working towards a promotion. Remember that not all of your adult students are learning English because they’re passionate about the language. Games make language learning interesting. If you’re new to using games with your adult students, you might be surprised to know that there are numerous benefits. What are the benefits of playing games with adult students? Students tend to perform better when they feel at ease and games are one way to create a comfortable atmosphere.
Starting the lesson with a game is an easy way to help your students relax and to show them that language learning can be fun, and is more than just memorizing vocabulary or cramming grammar points. Using online English games for adults can be a great way to break the ice and get your ESL students warmed up. The short answer is, yes! ESL games are not just for kids. Can I play games with my adult online ESL students? And if you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry. One creative way you can do this is by using games for teaching adults English online. I’ve been teaching adult learners online for almost six years with EF Education First and have seen firsthand that the more excitement and fun I bring to my lessons, the more invested my students are in learning. Teaching adult ESL students doesn’t mean that you always need to be serious or follow a strict PowerPoint outline in your classes.